Friday, July 17, 2015

Feelings and Needs

Today when you notice yourself getting frustrated or worked up about something or someone, take a second to get curious.  You might need to step away from the person or situation in order to gain some perspective.

Once you have the space to dig deep, ask yourself what need isn't being met.  Perhaps you have a need for safety and you're not feeling 100% safe right now.  Maybe you have a need for acceptance and you're feeling loney or anxious because you don't think the other person is accepting you right now.  Whatever it is, allow yourself to hear your truth and recognize what need is not being met.

More often than not, the feelings of frustration or pain will subside simply by noticing what that need is. Other times, there may be an action step that you feel you need to take in order to move forward.  This can be pretty deep work so remember to be kind to yourself as you explore your needs and your feelings.

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