Thursday, June 25, 2015

Celebrate You

Guess what?  Today is another day that you are alive! Why not celebrate the fact that you exist? Why not take some time to relish the air as it enters your lungs? No matter what you have been through. No matter what you have done. Today is another beautiful opportunity to be the person you want to be and to live the life you want.


  1. Hi Maggie, you've a fascinating blog. I've become a regular reader of your blog. And Congratulations, Your blog as been featured in my blog as, "Most Up to Date Self-help Blogger of the Week". I'm a self help blog author and my hobby is to read and honor bloggers who write self help topics that include personal, social and leadership skills. Please keep in touch with me in Twitter, @ipersuade. In Twitter, I follow focused self help coaches, who are bloggers like you to share and exchange best practices relating to self help topics and blogging. I kindly request you to follow me so that you will get an opportunity to meet other exclusive coaches like us who blog on the self help topics to broaden our network and knowledge. Looking forward to build a long term blogging relationship with you. -Sridhar Chandrasekaran

  2. Thank you, Sridhar! I am deeply touched by your comment. Sending love and kindness to you.

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